5 Tips for Working From Home With Your Partner


1.Figure out a “work-from-home routine.”

Let’s be honest, our morning routines were all disrupted when the world went virtual. Commuting to work or school is a thing of the past, and we welcomed sleeping in and lazy days with open arms. Getting back into a groove can be difficult, but creating a routine is essential to increasing productivity and giving you a sense of normalcy. If both you and your partner are working remotely, have a conversation with your partner to create a morning routine! Figure out what time your work days will start. If one of you is going to start your day much earlier than the other, that person can be in charge of brewing the first pot of coffee! Once you find that routine, stick with it! Finding structure when there’s not much of it will make you feel much more grounded.

Want to talk more about the new dynamics of working from home and your relationship? Feel free to reach out to me to schedule a consultation for couples therapy.

2. Know when your partner has to “be at work” and respect their schedule.

Some jobs have a more structured and set schedule that doesn’t change much each week. Some schedules might be completely flexible. Maybe your partner has meetings based in another time zone, so they need to work later than you. Maybe your first meeting isn’t until later in the day and gets your morning workout in. Understanding each other’s schedules is important to make working from home together as fluid as possible, even in a small space. Be considerate and limit distractions for them, you would want your partner to do the same for you!

3. Set up your own productive work space… and keep it separate from your partner’s.

Create your work space somewhere you can be productive. And make sure that you can call it yours! You’ll begin to feel a sense of routine if you create your own “home office”, even if that means just the kitchen table! Having a conversation with your partner about where you both work best and want to set up shop will allow you both to increase productivity each day. 

4. Find times throughout the day to take breaks together!

Both of you working from home can be incredibly stressful at times, which is why you need to unwind together! If your schedules align, enjoy your lunches together. Plan out what you’re going to cook or pick up. Go for quick walks around your block between meetings. Not only will you feel refreshed to get some air and movement in, but you’ll feel mentally refreshed to have a conversation about something other than work all day long!

5. Separate business and pleasure.

Do your best to set up “work hours” that works for both you and your partner. This will help you focus on work when you’re working, as well as focusing only on your partner when the work day is over. Also, do your best to limit working outside of these hours! Act as if your work from home set-up is like your commute to the office. It can be difficult to separate the two, especially when your home becomes the work-place. 

For more information or if you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me anytime by clicking here.


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